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Series » Published by Kodansha. Started in 2018.
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Cells at Work! last edited by cloudguy on 02/23/23 01:44PM View full history
This is a story about you. A tale about the inside of your body… According to a new study, the human body consists of approximately 37 trillion cells. These cells are hard at work every day within a world that is your body. From the oxygen carrying Red Blood Cells to the bacteria fighting White Blood Cells, Get to know the unsung heroes and the drama that unfolds inside of you!
Based on the Japanese manga Hataraku Saibou.
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22 episodes in this series Add Episode Reverse sort
- Episode #208 Cancer Cell II (Part II) February 25, 2021
- Episode #207 Cancer Cell II (Part I) February 18, 2021
- Episode #206 Harmful Bacteria February 11, 2021
- Episode #205 Cytokines February 4, 2021
- Episode #204 H. Pylori/Antigenic Shift January 28, 2021
- Episode #203 Dengue Fever/Acne January 21, 2021
- Episode #202 Acquired Immunity/Peyer's Patch January 14, 2021
- Episode #201 Bump January 7, 2021
- Episode #114 The Common Cold - OVA December 26, 2018
- Episode #113 Hemorrhagic Shock Part 2 September 29, 2018
- Episode #112 Hemorrhagic Shock Part 1 September 22, 2018
- Episode #111 Heat Stroke September 15, 2018
- Episode #110 Staphylococcus Aureus September 8, 2018
- Episode #109 Thymocyte September 1, 2018
- Episode #108 Blood Circulation August 25, 2018
- Episode #107 Cancer Cell August 18, 2018
- Episode #106 Erythroblasts and Myelocytes August 11, 2018
- Episode #105 Cedar Pollen Allergies August 4, 2018
- Episode #104 Food Poisoning July 28, 2018
- Episode #103 Influenza July 21, 2018
- Episode #102 Scrape Wound July 14, 2018
- Episode #101 Pneumococcus July 7, 2018
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